Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Since the 1960s, a growing number of people have been moving away from Essay - 2

Since the 1960s, a growing number of people have been moving away from villages and small towns to big cities in both developed - Essay Example In â€Å"The Root Causes of Migration† published by Maryland Catholic Conference, it illustrates the different and various reasons or purposes for moving permanently to the bigger cities. The most common reason is usually based on economics and financial matters. In the area of social science, there is a certain law which describes the different causes or factors for the occurrence of migration. Called Lee’s laws, it separates and breaks up the different factors into two sections called the push and the pull factors. The push factors are the different causes that influence and make people want to move away and be pushed out of an area. The people from the rural areas suffer from the lack of job opportunities, bad and awful environmental conditions such as pollution and being prone to natural disasters like fire, drought, flood, landslides, social unfairness such as bullying, teasing, racism, discrimination and even religious persecution. Other pull factors include loss of wealth, poor housing and conflicts or wars around the area. The pull factors are the opposite. They are the various reasons that attract people and pull them into an area. The most common reason for people to move into an area from rural areas is for better job opportunities. In the third chapter of â€Å"People on the Move,† there are also other reasons and purposes why people are attracted to settle permanently in amore urbanized location rather than staying in the rural parts of the country. Some of these are better living conditions. This mostly talks about the environmental conditions such as being less prone to environmental problems and natural disasters. Education is also one of the common reasons. During these modern times, people now highly value the quality of education that one gets because this is the gateway not only for their financial success in life, but also for their family’s freedom from poverty and financial struggles. In both developing and dev eloped nations, migration is being done and the numbers are getting higher and higher every year. The Philippines, which is a developing country in Southeast Asia, is experiencing such an increase in the number of migrants who came from the rural areas that are flocking to the most urbanized region in the country, the capital, Metro Manila. People in this country are getting poorer and poorer everyday and it is clearly evident. That is the reason why most of the people grab the chance and go to Metro Manila, which gives them a hope of a better opportunity and chance in finding good jobs that will somehow and in some way improve the financial status of their families. The intelligent, the skilled and the talented leave the provinces where they live in order to get better chances at life. This great migration that is currently happening in the Philippines has impacted and greatly influenced the development of the country. There are numerous effects that this migration has caused. When all of the brilliant and bright move and gather at one urban area such as in Manila, the provinces and the small towns and rural areas are left undeveloped and from slow, they become slower and slower. It is seen that in certain towns and municipalities, whatever it looked like a decade ago, it still looks the same until now because development is very slow in these areas. Additionally, in developing countries, once people

Monday, October 28, 2019

Political Corruption Essay Example for Free

Political Corruption Essay Greetings and good morning to all of you. My speech today will address the topic on corruption and mainly the corrupted political system of India. After many years of ceaseless struggle for freedom, India gained it’s independence in the year 1947 at the cost of some brave and noble lives whom we still remember and pay our tributes to on the memorable days of India’s fight to freedom. Our dignified leaders with a team of members over a series of studies and meetings drafted, the Indian Constitution, in which every citizen has an equal standing before the law and this came into effect on January 26th 1950. After having come so far where does India stand today with relevance to equality for citizens. Everything in this era revolves around the decisions made by powerful people in society, particularly politicians resorting to misuse power for their personal gain and today’s India does not reflect the same spirit of our faithful leaders. The influence of money has crept into our society and corruption has become so common a thing that people have come in terms with this social evil. Be it politics, sports, media, or court, anything seems to be achievable in India if you have fame and money while the less privileged experience the hard hand of law thus depriving citizens of their rights to equality. This kind of fraudulency over a period of time thwarts a person’s morals and ethics, consequently leading to the nation’s intolerance against its leaders and outbursts of mass protests dragging a nation to agitation, confusion, social disorder and on top of these, innocent lives being sacrificed for the wrong deeds of a despotic leader. As we all know Egypt and other countries like Libya and Yemen had witnessed this kind of tumultuous protests and as we all know gruesome fights against the corrupted government are still ongoing in Syria. It’s time that the citizens of India wake up and join hands with anti-corruption crusaders like the 72 year old Gandhian, Anna Hazare, an Indian social activist who led movements to promote rural development, increase government transparency, and investigate and punish official corruption and he pressed to pass the Jan Lokpal Bill. This is a bill that aims to change the way India tackles corruption. We should be determined not to allow corruption cripple our resourceful nation and tamper the economic growth of our country anymore. We children who are India’s future need to strongly value the good morals taught in homes and schools and strongly abide by them and fight towards a clean system and strive in every small way to bring about a change in this social evil. It is not an easy road and we as individuals can participate in this struggle by beginning to say NO to bribes. Dear friends, finally let me encourage you all to live by our motto â€Å"Lead kindly light† and radiate the values of life by our education and who knows we could probably be the future bearers of these offices that will pave way to be an exemplar of an ideal leader.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Urbanization in Africa Essay examples -- Development, Urban Trend

Urbanization is the movement from a rural society to an urban society, and involves a growth in the number of people in urban areas. Urban growth is increasing in both the developed but mostly in the developing countries. Urbanization is associated with the problems of unemployment, poverty, bad health, poor cleanliness, urban slums environmental deprivation. This causes a very big problem for these developing countries and who are some of poorest countries. Africa urbanization is not as big as most developing countries but is on the rise for it outbursts in city growth lately. (Saundry, 2008). In Africa, one important feature of the urbanization process is that a lot of the growth is taking place in the industrial increase. Urbanization also finds expression in external expansion of the built-up area and the changing of prime agricultural lands into residential and industrial uses (Saundry, 2008). An alternate to the present expansion of the urban population across a wide area of the country in order to save crucial land for agriculture is to construct high-rise buildings and support commercial development in specific zones, which would depend on efficiency, and the right technology and resources (Hanson, 2011). In Africa, the urbanization processes are largely driven by market forces and government policies. This will lead to methods at the same time of change in incomes, land use, health and natural resources management including water, soil and forests and often reactive changes in local governments (The Economist, 2010). So this is saying that government developm ent policies and budget divisions, in which urban residents are often favorites over rural areas and will tend to pull more people into the urban areas. I... ...population distribution designed to reduce the rate of rural-urban migration appears to have had limited success in many developing countries. Policies must be directed at altering the rural economy in order to slow the rate of urban sprawl. Broad land use planning and changing of planning standards and governmental procedures would go a long way to reduce many of the problems that face urban populations in the developing areas, especially Africa. Urbanization can cause a lot of problems for a city or even a country. It can cause cities to become overpopulated which are known as mega-cites, and cause problems with living arrangements and finding a job. Urbanization can also cause health problems. Urbanization is supposed to be good for developing countries on the rise but with this rapid growth in Africa, these problems can become a major concern in the future.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Motivation Techniques for Businesses to Motivate the Work Force Essay

Motivation Techniques for Businesses to Motivate the Work Force Introduction ============ For this assignment I am going to look at different motivational techniques that businesses use in order to motivate their work force, I will then decide on which I feel to be the most effective and why it is so effective. Hypothesis ========== All businesses want a motivated workforce, and expend a lot of time and money in order to attempt to achieve this, what these people need to look at is the common goals that there employees hold, for example: Self-esteem: needs for self -respect and self-confidence, for autonomy, for achievement, for competence, for knowledge. Status: needs for recognition, for appreciation, for the deserved respect of others. These needs tend to be at the top of most employees priority list, once these are fulfilled the employee will be happy and therefore motivated, e.g. if a worker is appreciated and competent in their job, they tend to be happier and therefore more highly motivated, but if they do not fully understand their job, and do not feel appreciated for what they do, they tend to feel unhappy and under perform. It is only recently that employers have learnt to be more like coaches then law enforcement officers in the workplace, they have discovered that it is far more effective to praise an employee rather than punish them, and give them constructive criticism rather than shout at them Another factor that strongly affects employees' motivation is security, if an employee feels secure in their job, i.e. have a permanent position there than they will be a lot happier and therefore ... ...y would much rather be payed a reasonable salary in a job they enjoy instead of a high salary in one that they don't. The perfect worker in my view is somebody who enjoys what they do, and therefore does it well. Evaluation ---------- I have come to the conclusion that happiness is the key to the perfect workforce because as they say 'a happy worker is a good worker.' I also feel that we have only scratched the surface of motivation in the workplace, it is only now that people have realised due to being open-minded just how huge a part psychology has to play in the effectiveness of a workforce, and there are still bosses that believe that discipline is the way to go rather than encouragement, so if these people could open their minds I think that the world of work would be better for employees everywhere.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Baby Blues in Europe

The population growth in most of the European nations is at critical point. The term baby blues have been used to describe the situation where families are opting to have fewer children due to various economic and social reasons. They are shying off from having an extra child due to the things they are experiencing day by day. The societies have become more affluent and when such a thing happens one the effects is the low fertility rates. On the other hand women have gained more freedom in the society.They are engaging in the work force, this has resulted in consumption boom contributing to the delay of marriage and the rate at which people are marrying, this further impact on the fertility rates. The impacts of the social changes that have taken place in the recent years have been compounded by the changing of the working patterns. Career patterns have replaced the unskilled labor which has increased the importance attached to the longer training periods and the unbroken periods of employment as one gains skills has further strengthened the idea of delaying childbearing.This is what has resulted to the baby blues in a continent that had the highest population growth some years back. (Golin, A; Bruno, L and Lori, A 1991) Some of these factors are: lack of a nanny to take care of the child, busy schedules, work related and many others. The birth rates are generally falling fast with many women either opting to have no children or families making a choice of remaining with only one child. This trend is worrying many governments as they foresee a big problem ahead.The population growth rate is negative in most countries in this part of the world. If the trend continues it shows that the population in Western Europe countries will shrink. This is a dangerous trend for the bloc that is aiming to counter the United States as the world power. In the United States the population has been growing at a higher rate in comparison to the Europe due to factors such as migrat ion, incentives from the government among others. What are the impacts of baby blues in the society?This is a question each and every government in Europe is trying to analyze and at the same time provides a workable solution to a situation that is threatening to impact negatively on the gains that this continent has made in the number of years. Having negative growth rate is not something any government in the developed world should be proud of. It is a risky affair that will have serious effects in the years to come. It means that at one given time Europeans countries will have a population imbalance where the number of the graying population will exceed the young people.This graying population will be a burden since there will be very few young working population to support them impacting negatively on the countries economic situation. (Golin, A; Bruno, L and Lori, A 1991) The trend will have an effect in the society especially in situation where the elderly have to be taken care of by the young. They require more money to cater for their medical bills and other expenses that come with the old age. This will be a burden to the younger population as they also have other obligation to meet.This population might also opt to have lesser families due to the added burden of caring of the elderly. If the trend continues beyond this point the problem will escalate for many years to come impacting heavily on the economic situation of these countries. The governments are concerned with this trend and they are up and planning on the measures to be taken to counter this negative development. The government can not afford to sit on the fence as it watches the population decline. This can have serious impact than imagined. It can threat the very existence of a nation.A nation whose population can not meet the needs of its economy is a t great danger especially if the other parts of the world more so those perceived to be the competitors are at an advantaged position rega rding the population growth. China and United States population are projected to rise tremendously in the next fifty years whereas on the other hand the European population has been predicted to decline by a great margin. This means that Europe will depend much on the countries with a positive population growth on labor, market and other activities.To many governments in this region, this is a dangerous development as it will affect their power situation where these nations may take its position in the world map of power. (Hantarais, L 2004) The governments need to be concerned and act on the situation as it can have serious effects on all aspects of the society. Declining population goes hand in hand with the economic slow down. When the older population is higher than the young working population the situation becomes grave as the government will be faced with the burden of taking care of this graying population which can be as sensitive as the baby population.In the next ten or m ore years to come it is expected that the European population level will be more than seventy million or roughly ten percent below its current level. The governments are busy trying to counter this negative trend as it may pose serious problems if it is not tackled early and in an effective manner. Births rate have fallen to levels where they can not be replaced and on the other hand the continent median age has climbed steadly. This poses a complex problem which need to be approached in a sober manner as it can result to every disastrous situation.A decline in the working population mean that the government can only promote immigration to counter a situation where the labor supplies dwindle ,this poses a serious problem as this population will only be attracted from the developing nations where there are population crises and the level of skills is often. To stop the decline the government has to come up with a workable solution which will solve this problem once and for all and he lp avert a situation where economic slow down is experienced further complicating the matters.(Hantarais, L 2004) Of particular concern is the need to replenish the declining workforce as this will have long term effects if left unchecked. With the population having reached close to seven hundred million people a decline can be the most unfortunate things for the nations in Europe. The governments having been faced with the challenge on how they will approach this problem may mean that the problem will be bigger than imagined, but with the proper planning and coordination of policies this is an issue which can be tackled.Population ageing will increase the number of dependent people creating a potential burden on pension and public health care. The tax burden will have to be passed to the few working population further complicating the issue as this group will be overburden by the financial obligation they are supposed to meet. This will only escalate the existing pro blem with a hi gher probability of increased baby blues. The fear of having many children or in some cases- no children at all- among the childbearing population in the western nations and Europe in general poses a great danger for this continent.If the current fertility levels persisted and immigration ceased altogether the European population would fall way below six hundred million by the turn of the century. What would this mean in a continent that is expected to steer the global economy to the next level in the century. It shatter the dreams of a powerful Europe in the world map while at the same time putting the continent at a disadvantaged position since the population in some the world regions is increasing at a higher rate.Therefore since this is a problem that will have far reaching effects for some years to come the government s in the respective countries need to move fast and come up with comprehensive policies which will help in solving this problem. (McIntosh, A 1983) The government s are not spoilt of choices they have to act swiftly to avert a catastrophic situation where economic meltdown might be experienced in future. One of the response would be to boost the birth rates, this can be achieved through giving incentives to the couples who are willing to have children.These incentives need to be as attractive as possible so that they can include many people. In such a move the birth rates might turn a round and the feared decline may not be experienced at all. Immigration has been mentioned as another option as far as solving this problem is concerned but some people have pointed out that it will only be short-lived since the immigrants will eventually adapt the trends that already exist in the receiving countries. Government has to approach this issue in a broader way to ensure that the end results are positive.Though some people have described the situation as the best for the continent since there would be minimal competition for resources, baby blues pres ent a dangerous situation for Western Europe as far as it future economic position is concerned. Bibliography Golin, A; Bruno, L and Lori, A. Population Changes in Europe, Labor, vol 5, Rome Italy (1991) Hantarais, L. Family Policy Matters: Responding to Family Change in Europe, The Policy Press (2004) McIntosh, A. Population Policy in Western Europe, ME Shape (1983)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition of a physical geology term Sedimentary Rock

Definition of a physical geology term Sedimentary Rock Introduction Rocks are divided into three major types, viz. sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. The geologic reactions occurring on the Earth only cause minute alterations to the landscape in a given lifetime. The changes become evident after millions of years. Though gradual, the geologic processes can reduce a mountain to a plain.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Definition of a physical geology term: Sedimentary Rock specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The geologic processes lead to the erosion of debris, which is then transferred to form deposits of sedimentary rock. In essence, sedimentary rocks exist at the cost of other rocks that break down through weathering and they are carried by various agents such as wind and deposited to form the rock. Sedimentary Rocks: overview Sedimentary rocks can form a string of layers, which can total up to thousands of meters in breadth. By examining these rock layers, g eologists can retrieve information about the background of the Earth. The magnitude of information about the Earth’s background is tremendous. Every rock layer marks an age of geological process. Moreover, the information retrieved in line with its texture, formation, and remnants is crucial for global modification, thus revealing the nature in which the earth changes from the past, present, and future. For a geologist to study the sedimentary data properly, s/he should comprehend the contemporary sedimentary structures, their sources, mode of transit, and areas or regions where the sediments are currently settling (Stille 56). A research on the ongoing sediment formation and depositing will help one to have a clear view. The nature of the fossil recorded in the sedimentary rocks gives a glimpse on surrounding where the sediments settled and the process and timeline of how the Earth developed and transformed over time. Other than the scientific importance, sedimentary rocks a lso play a great role in industrial and social development. Sedimentary can be used to make various tools that are useful in accomplishing a variety of tasks. This aspect was recorded as early as in the Neolithic Age when early man made tools such as axes and arrowheads using sedimentary rocks.Advertising Looking for research paper on geology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some of the statues include those designed during the Renaissance and art in ancient Greek. Notably, about 90% of the known minerals are found within sedimentary rock layers. Oil, coal, cement (sand, limestone, and gravel) and fertilizer is all but a product of sedimentary rocks. Moreover, sedimentary rocks store a lot of water that people depend on for survival. Indeed, the significance of sedimentary rocks cannot be ignored. Nature of Sedimentary Rocks The constitution of sedimentary rocks is derived from mechanical and chemical breakdown of ot her rocks. The deposit is compressed to solid rock layers made up of organic substances, chemical remains, and pieces of minerals. One can have a good observation of sedimentary rocks by visiting the Grand Canyon in Arizona. One of the common characteristics is that they have distinct layers known as strata measuring about 100m thick with each layer having disparate and unique texture coupled with internal and external construction. Fig 1: a sedimentary rock.  Source: (â€Å"Civil† par. 6) The texture is often composed of minerals and pieces of rocks implying that abrasion must occur during its formation. The bedding planes (which separate the different layers) often have ripple marks as well as other facts that show that there were water deposition stored along the bedding plane. Sedimentary rocks are present throughout the world and they form about 75% of the entire world (Tucker 56). The ocean floor is often covered with sedimentary rock layer.Advertising We wil l write a custom research paper sample on Definition of a physical geology term: Sedimentary Rock specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Types of Sedimentary Rocks There are two types of sedimentary rocks with a distinction on their texture and composition. These two groups include clastic rocks and chemical rocks. Clastic sedimentary rocks refer to rocks that were formed out of fragmental materials that were transferred and subsequently deposited in the environment of deposition. Essentially, clastic is derived from a Greek word klastos, which means broken. The clastic rocks are further classified by considering the nature of grains. They are of three types, viz. conglomerate, sandstone, and mudrock with grain size descending respectively. The size of grain in clastic is always determined by the size of the preexisting rock as well as the capability of the transport agent (wind and water). Deposition occurs when the velocity of the transporting r educes. If the transporting agent were moving fast, then it is anticipated that particles deposited will be coarser than those being moved slowly. Fig. 2: the formation of a sedimentary rock. Source: (â€Å"Rock Hounds† par. 1) Conglomerate is made up of large grains with sand particles and mud occupying the spaces created by the grains. Naturally, they are smooth and coarsely stratified. They are currently found in the bases of most mountains as well as stream paths. Sandstones are popularly known by most because they are easily observable and are anti-weathering.Advertising Looking for research paper on geology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They made up of almost anything and they appear in a range of colors (Sohn and Wright 49). Mudrocks are composed of very small grain particles and they are the most dominant in the family of clastic rocks. Due to their smoothness of the grains, they break down easily and create slopes and they are commonly deposited along deltas as well as river floodplains. Chemical Sedimentary Rocks Chemical sedimentary rocks develop when chemical reactions lead to the removal of ions from water to form solid substances. Unlike clastic rocks, chemical rocks are grouped according to the composition. Some of the popular chemical sedimentary rocks include limestone, dolostone, and chert. Limestone is the most common and dominant chemical sedimentary rock. Its constituents include calcium carbonate and it is formed via both chemical and biochemical procedures. The disparate textures of limestone have led to its further categorization to include skeletal, oolitic, and microcrystalline limestone. Skelet al limestone includes chalk, which is made of plants, and animals remain (Tucker 105). Dolostone closely resembles limestone. It has a light gray color and it can be formed through precipitation and chemical reaction between water having magnesium components and calcium carbonate present in limestone. A third type of chemical and biochemical sedimentary rock is chert ,which is made up of microcrystalline quartz. It has a granular texture and it breaks like a glass. It has an array of colors and the different colors are often given specific names. For instance, a red chert is referred to as jasper. Its characteristic nature to break and form sharp edges inspired many traditional artists to use it to design arrowheads, spears and other tools (Sohn and Wright 78). Conclusion Geological processes are incessantly taking place in various places. Inasmuch as one cannot notice the effects ongoing processes, millions years later, another generation will be living in a new world with differen t sedimentary structures. As noted in the discussion, sedimentary rocks are formed from weathering of rocks both chemically and mechanically. The nature of this formation leads to a further classification to clastic and chemical sedimentary rocks. Most of the essential minerals such as diamonds and limestone that people rely on for survival and luxury are found within these rocks. The significance of sedimentary rocks shows how vital people should be imparted with geological knowledge and in particular that of rocks. Civil: Sedimentary rocks 2011. Web. Rock Hounds: How sedimentary rock is formed 2013. Web. Sohn, Emily, and Pam Wright. Earth Materials: The Mystery Rocks. Chicago: Norwood House Press, 2011. Print. Stille, Darlene. Sedimentary Rocks: A Record of Earths History. Chicago: Capstone, 2008. Print. Tucker, Maurice. Sedimentary Rocks in the Field: A Practical Guide. London: John Wiley Sons, 2011. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How Does College Athletic Recruiting Work The Complete Process

How Does College Athletic Recruiting Work The Complete Process SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you are a high school athlete who aspires to compete in college sports, you should know about the college athletic recruiting process. Even if you don’t end up getting a scholarship, many intercollegiate athletes who don’t receive aid are still recruited to participate in sports at the collegiate level. The college recruiting process can be confusing. There are tons of recruiting rules that vary by division and the process for each prospective student-athlete can be extremely different. In this article, I’ll explain the various steps of the college recruiting process. I’ll provide important advice for prospective student-athletes so that you’re able to reach your collegiate and athletic goals. The Biggest Steps in the College Recruiting Process Making Contact With Coaches: Generally, for most student-athletes, the process really begins when you have your first conversation with a college coach about possibly playing for him or her. Campus Visits: One of the many benefits of being a recruited athlete is having the opportunity to visit multiple college campuses and have all your questions about athletics and academics answered. There are two types of visits: official and unofficial. On official campus visits, your transportation to the college, meals, and entertainment are paid for by the university. Visits From Coaches:College coaches can visit you at school, practice, a game, or in your home when they're recruiting you. Coaches use these visits to evaluate you and to try to sell their program to you. Scholarship Offers:For most student-athletes, the scholarship offer comes near the end of the recruiting process. Typically, a coach will call you to extend an offer of athletic aid. Depending on the sport you play and the college that is recruiting you, you can be offered a full or partial athletic scholarship. Signing the National Letter of Intent: Signing a letter of intent marks the end of the college athletic recruiting process. The letter is an agreement that you will enroll in a certain school in exchange for athletic aid. At this point, coaches have to stop recruiting you, and if any coaches contact you, you have to let them know you've signed a letter of intent. Now that you have a basic understanding of these steps, I'm going to walk you through the entire college athletic recruiting process. Keep in mind that the process and timeline will be somewhat different for each individual athlete. For example, some recruited student-athletes don't apply to a college until after they have taken an official campus visit. Others have already applied, been accepted, and have received a scholarship offer by the time they go on their official visit. Parts of the Process Can Vary Widely Depending on your sport and how heavily you're being recruited, the college athletic recruiting process can vary widely. Top level recruits, especially in the high profile sports of football and men's basketball, will be sent tons of letters, receive tons of phone calls, and may be offered athletic scholarships before they even enter high school. They won't have to take much initiative in their recruiting process. For recruits who are not as well-known nationally, they will have to be more proactive in the recruiting process, and they'll often have to sell themselves to college coaches to get a scholarship or a guaranteed spot on a team. Additionally, the sport you play also has a huge influence on the process. In some sports, there are literally over a thousand colleges with a team in that sport. If you're being recruited in one of those sports, you want to know what you’re looking for in a school and narrow down your college list early in the process to avoid being overwhelmed. For other sports, your options are already limited based on the number of colleges with that sport. I was a gymnast in college, and currently, there are only 16 NCAA men's gymnastics programs. When I was looking at colleges, there were a few more than that, but I had a much easier time narrowing down my college options than most simply because I knew I wanted to compete for an NCAA gymnastics team. Honestly Assessing Your Abilities and Aspirations By your junior year, if you’re interested in participating in varsity intercollegiate sports, you should start figuring out what type of school you want to attend. What division would best suit your interests and abilities? What are your athletic priorities? Getting a scholarship? Getting playing time? Competing against the best competition? Playing for a certain coach? Fitting in with the other personalities on the team? Having access to the best resources? What are you looking for in a college outside of sports? Once you know what you want, the recruiting process will become much easier. Then, as you start looking at each school individually, you can determine if it matches what you're looking for. Don't be afraid to ask questions to coaches, current team members, academic advisers, and admissions representatives to get the information you need to make your college decision. However, if you're being recruited, especially if you're a top recruit, college representatives may only tell you what they think you want to hear. Do your own research as well. Have Your High School Coach Work For You Talk with your high school coach during your junior year. Ask for his or her honest assessment of your ability to play college-level sports. See what he or she would be willing to do and could do to help with the recruiting process. Many high school coaches have relationships with college coaches and can help start the recruiting process for you. Also, if there are specific schools you're interested in, see if your high school coach can reach out to the coaches at those colleges. How and When College Coaches Can Initiate Contact With You The rules vary by sport and division, but the general rule is that college coaches can’t talk to you before the end of your junior year. However, many schools will send you information via mail as soon as you’re on their radar. If you receive a recruiting questionnaire and you have any interest in that school, make sure you fill it out and send it back. If you’re a priority recruit, the coach will call you in the spring of your junior year or the summer before your senior year. July 1st before your senior year is the date when coaches can initiate contact for most sports for Division I colleges. Once college coaches are permitted to talk to you, the general rule is that they're allowed to contact you once per week. Keep in mind that just because you get mail or a phone call from a coach doesn't necessarily mean that you'll get a scholarship offer. Initiating Contact With Coaches Most student-athletes will have to initiate contact with coaches if they want a scholarship or want to participate in intercollegiate athletics. I highly recommend that you take a proactive approach to your recruiting process. When To Contact Coaches There is no exact right time to contact college coaches, but the general rule is that earlier is better. Typically, prospective athletes will contact coaches during their junior years or the summer before their senior years. Even though there are rules regarding when and how much a coach can contact you, there are no rules stopping you from contacting a coach whenever and however often you deem necessary. Use your discretion, though. If a coach is not responding to you, don’t continue contacting him or her. How to Contact Coaches The most common way to initiate contact with a coach is through e-mail. Your initial e-mail should express your interest in the school along with key information about you: your academic accomplishments, your athletic accomplishments, including awards, stats, and experience, and any attributes that would make you a good fit for that school or team. Additionally, the e-mail should contain a link to a video. The video should be relatively short, only a couple of minutes long. Show highlights from games and possibly practices that demonstrate your athletic abilities and readiness to participate on the collegiate level. If you do a team sport, make sure it’s clear who you are in the video. Also, have a full game tape ready, in case one of the coaches requests it. Feel free to a call a coach to express your interest. Even though it may be hard to get a coach on the phone if you're not already on his or her recruiting radar, you can always try or leave a message. Ask what the coach needs from you to be considered for a scholarship or a spot on the team. Furthermore, you can make a profile on a recruiting website. Examples of recruiting websites include BeRecruited, NCSA, and CaptainU. Some of their services are free and some require you to pay. The recruiting websites make sure you’re sending the right information to coaches, and they can provide you with contact information for college coaches. While these websites can be rather helpful, they’re not essential. Make sure you're contacting college coaches. Camps Some sports and schools offer summer camps that the coaches attend. These camps can provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your athletic abilities to the coaches. Some of these camps are open and some are by invite only. The effectiveness of camps in helping you get recruited varies widely by school and sport. Some camps are just designed to make money and some are actually used by coaches to evaluate prospective student-athletes. Make sure that you research a camp before you or your parents spend money to attend. Applying Generally, the application process is the same for student athletes and non-student athletes. The main difference is that depending on the sport and how heavily you’re being recruited, you may be encouraged to apply early. And, your application may be processed sooner. Often, recruited athletes will learn of admissions decisions before the rest of the admitted students. Also, for recruits, your application may have some identifying marker indicating that you’re a recruited athlete. That’s so the admissions committee knows you're a recruit, and while it helps, it’s no guarantee of admission. Typically, the admissions committee will be alerted to how heavily you’re being recruited as well. During my recruiting process, for a couple of the schools that were recruiting me, I didn’t have to write a personal essay. Back in my high school days, I was rather happy to get out of writing those essays. For Stanford, my alma mater, I had to complete the same application as the rest of the students, though. Now I'm having flashbacks to writing my personal esssays. Good times. Campus Visits Once you get past the mail and the phone calls, the next step is to visit the campus. At this point, you may or may not have already been admitted to the college. There are two types of visits: unofficial visits and official visits. Unofficial Campus Visits An unofficial visit is one that you pay for yourself. What the coach plans for you on your trip often depends on how heavily you’re being recruited. Sometimes the coach will just speak with you briefly and then you’re on your own. For unofficial visits, schools can’t provide money for meals, transportation, or entertainment. However, you can receive up to three free game tickets. That's a pretty nice benefit, especially if you play a sport where game tickets are hard to come by. You can take an unlimited amount of unofficial visits and take them at almost any time, except during so-called â€Å"dead† periods when coaches can’t have contact with prospective student-athletes. Make sure to clear any unofficial visits with coaches before you make them. Feel free to ask a coach about taking an unofficial visit, regardless of how much contact you’ve had with the coach or if the coach has been recruiting you. Official Campus Visits For official campus visits, the trip is paid for by the school. Transportation, meals, and entertainment are covered for the prospective student-athlete. Official visits can last no more than 48 hours. NCAA rules dictate that you’re allowed five official visits and no more than one per school for Division I schools, but you can take an unlimited number of official visits to Division II schools. You can start taking official visits beginning on your first day of classes during your senior year of high school. If you attend junior college or do not enroll in a college after graduation, you can take an additional five Division I official visits starting October 15th following your senior year of high school. Before any official visit, though, you must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center and submit your ACT or SAT test score and high school transcript to the school you plan to visit. Sometimes scholarship offers will be made before official trips, and sometimes they’ll be made after. If you’re offered an official visit, you're definitely a top candidate for a scholarship. Also, even though Ivy League schools do not offer athletic scholarships, they do offer official visits. If you have the opportunity, I strongly recommend that you take official campus visits. On your official visit, you may be given the opportunity to watch practices, attend games, tour the campus, speak to academic advisers, sit in on classes, and hang out with the members of the team. I thoroughly enjoyed my official campus visits. Just to give you an idea of how much campus visits can vary, I'll describe a couple of mine to you. When I went on my recruiting trip to the University of Illinois, I was put up in a hotel suite and taken to a fancy Japanese restaurant. I had a scheduled meeting with an academic adviser and I was taken on a tour of the campus by an official campus tour guide. A few weeks later, I went on a recruiting trip to Temple University. On that trip, I stayed on the couch in one of the team member's apartments and ate cereal for most of my meals while I was there. I got a driving tour of the campus from the coach and there was no meeting with an academic advisor. However, I did get to see the Liberty Bell and eat an authentic Philly cheesesteak sandwich. I enjoyed my Temple trip, but it differed greatly from my Illinois trip. Illinois was just a more well-funded program and had a larger recruiting budget. Unfortunately, Temple dropped its NCAA men's gymnastics team in 2014 and is now continuing as a club sport. I got to experience life as a college student at Temple for 48 hours. Visits From Coaches Sometimes coaches will visit you at your school, in your home, or at one of your practices or games. There are rules that dictate when coaches can visit you. Typically, a coach will visit either to evaluate you or because you’re a top recruit and he or she is trying to sell you and your family on the school. Sometimes it’s a combination of both. If a coach is visiting you, it’s definitely a good sign about your prospects of receiving a scholarship or offer of admission. Scholarship Offers Usually after conversations with coaches and campus visits, a coach will extend a scholarship offer. Scholarships can be full (covering the full cost of attendance) or partial. Remember that you don’t have to accept or decline the offer right away. You should take your time to think about your options; choosing where you go to college is a big decision that you shouldn't make hastily. Also, even if you verbally accept an offer, the verbal agreement isn’t binding. You can change your mind up until you sign your scholarship offer. Additionally, for many sports, you won't receive a scholarship offer until you gain admission to the university. Again, this can vary depending on the sport, school, and how heavily you're being recruited. Typically, the coach will continue to contact you throughout the whole recruiting process and after a scholarship offer is extended. Your recruitment is not done until you have signed your National Letter of Intent. There are early and late signing dates that you have to sign by that vary depending on your sport. National Letter of Intent The National Letter of Intent is a binding agreement that says you will enroll at a specific school for the next academic year in exchange for athletic aid. Normally, you'll have to sign the NLI along with a scholarship offer from the school. If you don’t follow the terms of the agreement and enroll in the school, you’ll generally have to sit out a year of competition if you go to a different school and you’ll lose a year of eligibility. Almost always, the school won't issue you a formal scholarship offer and NLI until after you've been accepted to the university. However, there are instances where a school has to rescind its acceptance if you fail a class or end up not meeting certain requirements of the university. If you don't gain admission to the school, you'll be released from the agreement. Additional Advice for Prospective Student-Athletes Focus on Your Academics Many prospective student-athletes neglect the importance of academics in the recruiting process. Not only do you have to be eligible to compete, but also you still have to gain admission to the school. College coaches often won't recruit students who they don't think are qualified academically for their schools, regardless of these students' athletic skills. If you’re being recruited athletically, you will receive some preferential treatment when your application is processed, but the school still has to determine if your academics are good enough to be accepted. Especially at top academic colleges, your academics should be on par with non-student athletes if you want to have a legitimate shot at admission. The amount of preferential treatment you receive in the admissions process varies depending on the school, your sport, and how heavily you're being recruited. Especially for so-called â€Å"minor† sports (anything other than basketball and football at most schools), being recruited may only give you a minimal boost in the admissions process. Do Everything Earlier For recruited athletes, the timeline for when you should do things to prepare for college is sooner than for other students. You should start studying for your ACT or SAT by your sophomore year. You should have reached your SAT or ACT target score by the end of your junior year. Remember that college coaches won’t want to spend time recruiting you if they don’t think you’ll be admitted. Also, you should be able to show coaches that you’ve taken college prep classes, passed AP tests, and have good standardized test scores before the start of your senior year. Furthermore, you should narrow down your college list by the end of your junior year so you know which coaches to contact. Don’t wait until the second semester of your senior year to start sending out e-mails. It will be too late by then. Colleges will likely have offered their scholarships and filled their open spots by then. Be prepared to complete your college applications early. Depending on your sport and recruit status, you may have to complete multiple college applications in the early part of your senior year, months before many of your peers. Research the Schools You're Considering Regardless of whether you've started the recruiting process or not, you should research the colleges you think you may want to attend. For each of these schools, learn about the campus, the majors offered, the athletics facilities, and any other information that you think may be relevant in making your college decision. Also, most college websites will have information specifically for prospective student-athletes. This information will provide specific rules regarding recruiting and there may be information regarding the recruiting process for that school. Often, you’ll be able to fill out a recruiting questionnaire directly from the website. Make Sure You're Eligible All NCAA athletes have to be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center . You’ll have to send in your transcript and SAT/ACT scores. What's Next? If you're looking to compete at the highest level of intercollegiate athletics, review the list of NCAA Division I schools. If you want to research colleges, use the best college search websites. Also, I recommend you check out this post on how to get into your top-choice college. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Using JavaScript in Your C++ Applications for Chrome

Using JavaScript in Your C++ Applications for Chrome When Google released its Chrome browser, the company included a fast implementation of JavaScript called V8, the client-side scripting language included in all browsers. Early adopters of JavaScript back in the era of Netscape 4.1 didnt like the language because there were no tools for debugging and each browser had different implementations, and different versions of Netscape browsers differed as well. It wasnt pleasant writing cross-browser code and testing it on lots of different browsers. Since then, Google Maps and Gmail came along using the whole Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technologies, and JavaScript had enjoyed a major comeback. There are now decent tools for it. Googles V8, which is written in C, compiles and executes JavaScript source code, handles memory allocation for objects, and garbage collects objects it no longer needs. V8 is so much faster than the JavaScript in other browsers because it compiles to native machine code, not bytecode that has been interpreted. JavaScript V8V8 isnt only for use with Chrome. If your C application requires scripting for users to be able to write code that executes at run-time, then you can  embed  V8 in your application. V8 is an open source high-performance JavaScript engine licensed under the liberal BSD license. Google has even provided an embedders guide. Heres a simple example that Google provides- the classic Hello World in JavaScript. It is intended for C programmers who want to embed V8 in a C application int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {// Create a string holding the JavaScript source code.String source String::New(Hello , World) ;// Compile it.Script script Script::Compile(source) ;// Run it.Value result script-Run() ;// Convert the result to an ASCII string and display it.String::AsciiValue ascii(result) ;printf(%s\n, *ascii) ;return 0;} V8 runs as a standalone program, or it can be embedded in any application written in C.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Unethical decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unethical decisions - Essay Example The growing technological advancement has led to integration of the communication all over the world. Integrated information system has been a great relief to many people as well as organization when it comes to conducting electronic transactions. However, this development has been met and strained by serious unethical practices that have led to great loss of finances and jobs. Unethical practices and decisions made on the information systems have also led to disrepute to many organizations (Collier & Spaul, 1990). The integration of information system witnessed an advantageous introduction of credit cards that have been used to carry transactions involving purchasing and sales of goods and services. However, this system has since undergone intrusion occasioned by unending frauds (Shortland & Scarf, 2007). Credit cards of certain individuals have been stolen and used in purchase of goods and services by the fraudsters, thus leading loss of colossal amounts of money by the credit card companies. The same problem has been witnessed even with the use of virtual credit cards. Fraudsters have used complex techniques to get to know the secrete information of the credit cards of particular individuals and have been conducting transactions with such cards at the expense of the true holders. To confront, tackle and curb credit card frauds, Shortland and Scarf (2007) illustrate that various individuals have come with systems to assist achieve the alleviation of these widespread unethical practices. The ideas have included metalearning, and cardwatch among others that uses modifiers and classifiers to mine data and detect frauds in the system. Even though, these technologies have failed to bear desirable fruits as disorganized distribution of data and mixing of the genuine and fraudulent transactions that have complicated the functionality of the systems. Continuing research on this field has led to invention of the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) that works

Friday, October 18, 2019

PNC Financial Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PNC Financial Service - Essay Example Value creation for creating a system that would ensure the level of productivity and integrity ultimately needed, so that the customer base would be able to see their own bottom line continue to grow and prosper. With many banks, large and small, finding it harder to survive in the current economic state, PNC Bank would seek to stay within the realm of effective and responsible banking practices. According to an article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, while reiterated the current state of affairs within the banking community, in regard to PNC itself, "Still, the region's biggest bank will remain disciplined and resist making "stupid," risky loans, Mr. Rohr Said during a Barclays Capitol investor conference in New York City," (Sabatini, 2010). With the statement in itself that would work toward the concern of meeting investors expectations of being able to trust the solvency of the institutions that they seek to do business with. Going on further to state that, "Mr.

Music Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Music - Assignment Example In this manner, the element of rapping is always very common and is almost predominant in nearly all forms of hip hop music (Katz, 2012). This paper is going to explore the origin of the hip hop music, taking into consideration several aspects involving the problems that the youths passed through that may have been responsible for the emergence of the hip hop music. In addition, the paper is going to explore some of the regions where the music genre of Hip hop music was mostly concentrated in the United States, as well as the reasons that may have influenced the rise of the hip hop music. The origin of the hip hop music is attributed to early histories relevant to the problems faced by the youth in America. Such youths saw it fit to spell some of the problems that they faced through rapping alongside the music. Other than rapping, it is important to note that the other characteristic of the hip hop music involves several forms of dancing as well as dancing styles. In connection to the above, it is crucial to note that hip hop music is mostly characterized by such forms of dancing including break dancing. These were some of the ways in which the youths employed in expressing their emotions as well as their problems relevant to the social, political as well as economic challenges that they faced in the regions of America (Flores, 2000). Other than the issue of dancing as well as rapping, the other common elements of the hip hop music includes scratching as well as graffiti writing. These are some of the artistic styles that accompany the issue of hip hop music. It is important to note that the origin of these elements is vested in the culture as well as the age brackets of the people mostly involved in the hip hop music. For instance, most youths are always the ones who mostly revere this musical genre called hip hop. It is of crucial significance to acknowledge the fact

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The book The Middle Ground written by Richard White Essay

The book The Middle Ground written by Richard White - Essay Example In addition, the author also tried to show the complexities of Indian-white relations, and how it has led to either the assimilation or the destruction of these Indian tribes (White 518 to 584). In this case, this paper would try to look at the thesis of White as presented in this book, presenting evidence from the text itself. Then, from this thesis, the researcher would try to look at the pros and the cons of the author’s argument, putting into consideration the specific social and historical context of the events that occurred at that time. In addition, the researcher would also look at how the author interpreted the specific cultural and historical events that was presented in the book, in order to accurately analyze the pros and the cons of the narrative of the author. In his book â€Å"The Middle Ground,† White actually showed how the Indian tribes, at the time of their contact with the European colonizers in the Great Lakes Area, treaded the middle ground, to whi ch White showed â€Å"a process of mutual invention† (White 50), wherein the French (colonizers) â€Å"assimilated the Indians in their own conceptual order,† while some Indians pretty did much the same (White 50-51).

Gender and Work - Masculine or Feminine Work Essay

Gender and Work - Masculine or Feminine Work - Essay Example Any activity which led to the seeking of subsistence means was covered in the heading of â€Å"work† while all other activities of â€Å"reproduction† and assuring the sustenance of life cycle (nursing) were reduced to â€Å"limitation†. Unfortunately, the later was what women were supposed to do by default and therefore men took the charge of the more proactive role of sustenance of family like tracking and killing animals for food. This natural evolution of role created â€Å"myths of work† for men and women. The simple myth which evolved was that what men do is â€Å"work† while what women does back at home does not fall in the definitions of work or we can say that the distinction was laid down as masculine or feminine work. With the advancement on the course of history the women’s influence in different fields has changed and now women are also out in search of sustenance means for their family, thus blurring the primitive masculine and feminine myth of work. However, the age-old psyche was not that easy to overcome as the women came in the field with the â€Å"the same old myth† attached to her. Resultantly, either woman was given â€Å"inferior jobs† presupposing that the jobs pertaining to men could not be done by them befittingly. Although, the increase of women’s role in the domain of men â€Å"work† and success in that continued the attack on the masculine and feminine myth of work but initiated another dimension in it. More work, with an assumption that women are not able to go through such rigours of intensive work, entered the scene. This ability to work for long hours was equated with success and a general perception was created among people that working long hours is important for career advancement.  This development made both men and women so involved in their jobs and working places that they grade their workplace as â€Å"a place for (their) soul to recreate itself, a place for self-improvement, and a place for spiritual training . . . [the worker] looks for the reason of his being or identity in hard work’ (Schwenkter, 1995).  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The book The Middle Ground written by Richard White Essay

The book The Middle Ground written by Richard White - Essay Example In addition, the author also tried to show the complexities of Indian-white relations, and how it has led to either the assimilation or the destruction of these Indian tribes (White 518 to 584). In this case, this paper would try to look at the thesis of White as presented in this book, presenting evidence from the text itself. Then, from this thesis, the researcher would try to look at the pros and the cons of the author’s argument, putting into consideration the specific social and historical context of the events that occurred at that time. In addition, the researcher would also look at how the author interpreted the specific cultural and historical events that was presented in the book, in order to accurately analyze the pros and the cons of the narrative of the author. In his book â€Å"The Middle Ground,† White actually showed how the Indian tribes, at the time of their contact with the European colonizers in the Great Lakes Area, treaded the middle ground, to whi ch White showed â€Å"a process of mutual invention† (White 50), wherein the French (colonizers) â€Å"assimilated the Indians in their own conceptual order,† while some Indians pretty did much the same (White 50-51).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Introduction to Business Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction to Business Accounting - Essay Example While the ‘as at’ financial position is presented in the Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position), a detailed presentation in terms of Revenue generated against the expenditures incurred in that accounting period is depicted by the Income Statement (Statement of Comprehensive Income) (Vickerstaff & Johal, 2012).The Statement of Financial Position: Also commonly known as the Balance Sheet, the Statement of Financial Position reflects as to what is owned by the entity as ‘Assets’ or ‘Resource’ as opposed to what it owes to third parties as ‘Liabilities’ or ‘Payables’ at that point in time. It also represents Shareholders’ equity, which is sometimes referred to as Capital, which represents the resources that would remain if a company disposes all of its assets and settles all of its liabilities (Wood & Sangster, 2005). Some liabilities are to be settled within the near future (next 12 months) hence, are classified as ‘Current Liabilities’ while others with longer period of settlement are known as Non-current or ‘Long term Debts’. ... It also represents Shareholders’ equity, which is sometimes referred to as Capital, which represents the resources that would remain if a company disposes all of its assets and settles all of its liabilities (Wood & Sangster, 2005). Some liabilities are to be settled within the near future (next 12 months) hence, are classified as ‘Current Liabilities’ while others with longer period of settlement are known as Non-current or ‘Long term Debts’. Similarly, some Assets have a life shorter than of 12 months and are likely to be fully utilized in the company’s operations during this time so are classified as ‘Current Assets’; whilst ‘Non-Current’ or ‘Fixed Assets’ are those that have longer lives and are thus utilized partly in one particular tenure. This utilization is charged as a periodic ‘Expense’ known as ‘Depreciation’ which later adds as a component to the Income Statement (Ferr aino, 2011). The Income Statement: Also known as the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Income Statement in broader terms is a portrayal of how much a company has earned against how much costs it has incurred in order to generate those earnings, eventually formulating the company’s profitability for that particular accounting period. While direct operational costs are incorporated as Cost of Sales, other incurred expenses such as Depreciation, Interest, Administration, Taxation, Distribution or Marketing are charged in individual ‘heads’, finally leading to the net Profit For the Year. (Wood & Sangster, 2008) Any other unusual or non-operational income can be classified separately under ‘Other Comprehensive Income’, for example income from a Litigation or Gain (or Loss) on disposal of

Why video games are Good Essay Example for Free

Why video games are Good Essay A kid plops down in front of the television and powers up his video game console. As he reaches for his controller, his mother has one point of view in her mind, more time wasted, another day wasted, video games rot my children’s brain. Or do they? Video games have a horrible stigma of â€Å"rotting our brain’s† because many believe that they are pumping our children’s minds with senseless violence and explicit content. Although many video games do include a substantial amount of violence, it comes second to the fact they can actually make you smarter according to many scientists and academics. They are seen to be good learning devices because of the problem solving and strategic thinking that is utilized to play video games. While there is obviously no substitute for classroom learning, video games can exercise the brain in many different ways. Most kids would rather pick up a joystick than pick up a textbook. Much to they’re unknowing they are exercising their brains. While traveling and discovering this exciting virtual world, they begin to figure out the rules and understand their goals in order beat the game and win. What might seem like a mindless zombie sitting on the couch for hours is actually someone solving a profuse amount of puzzles that are instilled in their video game. Someone playing a video game must solve and complete direct conflicts while keeping their overall goal in perspective. Playing a video game is similar to solving a science problem. Video gamers must come up with a hypothesis while trying to accomplish a goal, much like a student conducting a lab would do. For example: if a gamer is searching for a hidden item and they hypothesize that the item is in a dragon’s belly, they will attack the dragon and discover whether their hypothesis was correct or false. If they don’t find the item they must modify their hypothesis the next time they play. Video games are driven by goals and objectives, which are essential for learning. Scientific studies have shown that the brain can change with practice. If you train yourself to complete a certain objective, the part of you’re brain that you are using can actually growth in size and operation. Another scientific study has shown that those who constantly challenge their brain have almost a 50% less chance of developing dementia. Video games are all about interactive and active exploration, unlike leisurely reading a novel. A video game requires your brain to make immediate decisions. While reading a novel will exercise your creativity and imagination, video games will make your brain weigh circumstances and evidence, examine situations, reflect on your overall goal and forge a decision. It is not about what you’re thinking about when playing a video game, it is the way your thinking that challenges your brain. Video games make learning easier, comfortable, achievable and enjoyable. Any kid would rather learn how to slay a dragon than learn there times tables. This is simply because games offer more immediate and visible rewards. Memorizing and studying terms and theories may get you a good mark on your test, while beating the final boss will end the game. Gamers can also create their own adventure and decide their own unique fate and decided where they want to go and how they want to get there, within the restrictions of the game. It becomes their adventure. This is all played from the safety of their home, which prevents fears of making a mistake in front of others. If they lose, they can simply restart and try again without the feeling of embarrassment. This encourages gamers to take risks and expand their exploration opportunities. Although video games are no substitute for classroom learning, they have beneficial outcomes that can improve our brains activity making it healthier and function more efficiently. So next time you contemplate purchasing a video game, think about it not as endless hours waiting to be wasted, but rather as a large time investment for better of your mind.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Scope And Limitation Of The Study Environmental Sciences Essay

Scope And Limitation Of The Study Environmental Sciences Essay For a country facing recurrent drought, with severe consequences for development, the need for irrigated agriculture cannot be overlooked. But the countrys capacity to support agriculture through development of irrigation has been weak (Mengistu, 2000). Ethiopia cannot hope to meet its large food deficit through rain-fed agricultural production; the country could still face millions of tons of cereal deficit for decades to come (Desta, 2004). The Government of the Republic of Ethiopia in the Ethiopian Water Resources Management Policy (1999) states that Ethiopia endowed with relatively higher amounts of rainfall in the region and has a surface runoff of about 122 billion m3 of water and 28,000 Mm ³ ground water. A number of studies made in the field confirm that if the countrys water resources are developed to cater for irrigation, it would be possible to attain agricultural surplus enough both for domestic consumption as well as for external markets. The abundant water resources have earned Ethiopia the name the water tower of East Africa (United Nations Development Programme 2006). However, even had this estimated water potential, the country cannot meet its food security. Although, water resource potential is said to be abundant in Ethiopia, it is clear that even by the low standard of African countries, Ethiopias use of its water resources is limited. Cognizant to this fact, the government has taken initiatives towards developing irrigation schemes of various scales (Desta, 2004).The government of Ethiopia as stated in its Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), has recognized the importance of water and increased its focus on water resource development and utilization to achieve food security (FDRE, 2000). Irrigation is one means by which agricultural production can be increased to meet the growing food demands in Ethiopia. Irrigation can also stabilize agricultural production. Ethiopia indeed has significant irrigation potential. Realizing the potential irrigation development can contribute towards food security and improved welfare, the Government has embarked on wide range of water development efforts throughout the country. Since 1950s there are mixed experiences with promoting irrigation and other modern agricultural technologies in the effort of intensification. In the last decade, small-scale irrigation and rainwater harvesting are central to Ethiopias new policy and strategy on agricultural and rural development. In some parts of the regions, where there are scarce and erratic rainfall, there is evidence that irrigation has achieved positive impacts: better opportunity for production, better income, reduction of risks, and hence generated benefits for poor rural communities. The importance of intervening irrigated agriculture in the economy of developing countries results from the fact that rain fed agricultural system is not capable of supplying the desired amount of production to feed the increasing population. Irrigation is not needed for any inadequacy in the total supply of water by rainfall only, but because of the inadequacy of this supply at certain times of the year. This inadequacy of moisture will surely lead to the reduction of plant growth (Briggs and Courtney 1989 as cited by Mintesinot,, 2004). Therefore, Irrigation is used in order to combat periods of moisture stress so as to fulfill the crop moisture requirement and increase the production. Irrigation practice is an expensive one in case of if we construct huge dames or high river diversions, and in many cases can only be applied with profit to high value crops. But it can be cheap for areas having high ground water potential and the water is easily accessible through hand dug wel ls. The country has highly-diversified agro-ecological conditions which are suitable for the production of various types of crops. The crops are produced under rain fed and irrigated condition. Cereals dominate Ethiopian agriculture, accounting for about 70 per cent of agricultural GDP (Ethiopias Agricultural sector policy and investment framework, 2010-2020). Over the past decade, cereal production has more than doubled to nearly 15 million tons, as a result of horizontal expansion and increased yields (Ethiopias Agricultural sector policy and investment framework, 2010-2020). Nevertheless, food security remains a critical issue for many households, and for the country as a whole. Moreover, expansion of the cropped area to more marginal lands has led to severe land degradation in some areas (Ethiopias Agricultural sector policy and investment framework, 2010-2020). To alleviate the challenges of food insecurity in the country promotion of irrigated agriculture was given priority (Mekuri a, 2003). Thus, hand dug well construction has become one of the activities both by the individuals as well as the government. Agriculture and rural development has been the central pillar of successive national development and poverty reduction plans and remains so under the new five year growth and transformation plan (FYGTP) announced in August 2010. There is a need, however, to increase development efforts and resources targeting high-potential rain fed areas and irrigation development, in order to accelerate productivity growth, agricultural led industrialization and long-term food security. Thus groundwater has become an important source for irrigation and it has become an integral part of the irrigation strategy to overcome food scarcity in many developing countries including in Ethiopia. Such efforts have helped to expand irrigation with time particularly from 1950s the expansion has been rapidly increasing (Rosegrant et al., 1999). Most agricultural production is used to meet household consumption needs and, for a very large number of households, there is a prolonged hunger season during the pre-har vest period. In all increasing productivity in smallholder agriculture is Governments top priority, recognizing the importance of the smallholder sub-sector, the high prevalence of rural poverty and the large productivity gap. Productivity enhancement however, must be complemented by efforts by introducing effective practices towards the farmer to help farmers from purely subsistence farming to semi-subsistence/ semi-commercial status practicing farming as a business and to adopt more sustainable natural resource management practices in order to arrest and reverse environmental degradation. But this may not achieved only by using rain fed agriculture, rather by conjunction use of surface water and ground water without affecting the environment. Therefore In order to achieve these far-reaching and ambitious objectives, Irrigation development perceived as one of the strategies with the potential for solving this problem and to be food self-sufficient. The government of Ethiopia has an irrigation development strategy, which aims to develop over 470,000 ha of irrigation by 2016 as promulgated in the Water Sector Strategy of 2001. Of this development, 52% will be large and medium scale schemes while the remaining 48% will be small-scale schemes (Government of the Republic of Ethiopia 2001). Because of the ambitious government plans to expand small scale irrigation in Ethiopia, and in view of increasing demand of water for various purposes like agricultural, domestic, and industries, a greater emphasis is being laid for a planned and optimal utilization of water resources. Even if Ethiopia has high surface water potential, due to uneven distribution of rainfall in both time and space, the surface water resources are unevenly distributed coupled with increasing water user sectors, may lead to conflict among water users, especially agricultural sector. To narrow this gap and increase productivity per drop of water, surface water alone is not the best solution. Considering this issue; giving emphasis on development of ground water resources for those areas having high ground water potential is crucial. Problem Statement Water for agriculture is increasingly recognized as a major constraint to improving the lives of the rural poor and is an important component of rural livelihood programs that need to be yet strongly established in Ethiopia. Irrigation has contributed significantly to poverty reduction, food security, and improving the quality of life for rural populations. The majority of existing traditional and modern irrigation schemes are micro level in size. Many of these schemes are based on stream and river diversions but some may be dependent on small dams and perennial springs which show ground water potential for irrigation did not get emphasis. Fogera is one of Blue Nile basin area in Ethiopia and known by flooded plain. The woreda has high ground water potential. Now a day there is irrigation practice in the area for production of vegetables, horticulture (onion, tomato and purple) and in some extent maize. Even if there is such practice in the area, beside high ground water potential al most all farmers are used two perennial rivers called Rib and Gumara as a water source for their irrigation crop production using motorized pump. But the beneficiary farmers are those having farm land near or around streams, while those farmers bounded with these rivers and have not farm land around the stream waiting until the rainy season to cultivate crops. Recently increasing in number of water users for crop production and other uses; the stream flow become drying the downstream especially starting from February to April. This leads to crop failure and reduction in production plus conflict among the up- stream and downstream water users. To solve this problem and participate in irrigation those farmers have not farm land around the streams and bounded by two streams, conjunction use of ground water and surface water for irrigation crop production is important. However, to assure these identifying opportunities and major constraints of the community that makes passive on ground water uses for irrigation crop production is primary task to the area having high ground water potential. Researchable Questions For a specific study of ground water constraints linking with issues of the use for irrigation crop production, a number of questions can be raised. The study tries to address the following major research questions: What are major constraints of the community to use ground water for irrigation crop production? Are the communities aware about their ground water potential for crop production? What types of practices were implemented in the area to promote ground water uses for irrigation crop production by different Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations? General and Specific Objectives In the Fogera plain groundwater is important source that can be used for irrigation crops year around. Reducing dependency on rainfall and stream water for crop production little has known about the potential use of ground water in the area. Rain fed agriculture alone cannot be insuring food self-sufficiency for the country having uneven distribution and erratic rainfall. Rather in addition to rain fed, implementing irrigation schemes according to water source potential weather surface or ground water is important. For those areas having high ground water potential, ground water may serve as a water source for irrigation crop production and increase income. But to use this precious natural resource actively and efficiently tackling obstacles related to ground water use for irrigation crop production is the primary task. This paper will investigate constraints in the Fogera Woreda on ground water uses for irrigation crop production. In particular it will:- Identify major constraints why farmers are not used ground water for irrigation crop production. identifying major constraints of the community on ground water use for irrigation crop production, makes easy to decision makers to solve communities problem on ground water irrigation using different approach and makes the community fear to use ground water for irrigation. Evaluate communities awareness about the area ground water potential uses for irrigation crop production. It is important to community to make them self-confident about their natural resource. If they are sure about their resource, they will remove their doubt and cultivate any perennial (chat) or seasonal crop which makes them profitable. Assessing best practice if there is, to promote ground water use for irrigation crop production in the area by different Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations. Assessing best practice done in the area on ground water use for irrigation is important for the community to scale up from one kebele to another. Significance of the Study Ethiopia has developed a 15-year water development project for the period 2002-2016 in order to enhance the appropriate and comprehensive water use policies. It ensures multiple uses of this vital resource among various users. Among the water sectors agricultural water use has got the most attention through the strategy called Agricultural Development Led Industrialization (ADLI). The intervention of the plan is to address most of the supply-demand gap within 15 years time through increasing the number of large, medium and small-scale irrigation schemes. In addition, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) recognizes, community managed small-scale irrigation water schemes as viable alternative to privatization and state ownership of the resource. To see this intervention on stand and to use available water sources; identifying major opportunities and constraints of irrigation water sources is milestone for beneficiaries, thus contributing to increased productivity. Water management policies are also important to avoid and manage conflicts and ensure the participation of low level communities. In this regard, the findings of this study will contribute to narrowing the information gaps regarding the organizational and institutional context, management practices and collective action regarding ground water use for irrigation, and the major problems of ground water irrigation development at the grass-root level. Therefore, the outcome of this study may serve as a source of additional information for policy makers and planners during the design and implementation of irrigation development programs and prospects. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study is based on a cross-sectional data for the time period of 2010/2011 aimed at assessing major constraints of ground water use for irrigation crop production in six kebeles of Fogera Woreda, i.e. Nabega, Kideste Hana, Wagetera, Shena, Shaga and Kokit. The major limitations of the study relates to the unavailability of secondary data needed to supplement the primary data. Secondary data on detailed soil type for each kebele, specific type of training they took on irrigation, yield of previous production seasons, soil type of the area, amount of water they apply to the crop and others were needed. In response to this limitation, we used triangulation data collection method, while we were collecting the data. Due to resource and time limitations, the study had to focus on only a few most important questions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Free Essays - The Imperfect Oedipus of Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex

The Imperfect Oedipus of Oedipus The King When the play Oedipus The King is mentioned, what do you think of? I think of a very ignorant man that tries to escape his fate-- a man that had so much confidence in himself that he would put false accusations on people and defy his gods just because he thinks he is right. During the play, Oedipus realizes his own flaws while he investigates who the "true killer" of Laius is. The first character flaw that comes out in the play Oedipus is Oedipus' bad temper and irritability. When Oedipus first heard his prophecy from the Delphi oracle, he made an exodus out of Corinth as soon as he could. While on his journey to Thebes, a caravan cut him off. Enraged, Oedipus killed all the men except one. Only later did Oedipus know that one of the men he killed was his father Laius. If Oedipus had thought out his actions first, then maybe the first part of his fate wouldn't have been fulfilled. Other character flaws coming out during the investigation was that he is impulsive and he falsely accuses people. When Oedipus was talking to Teirasias, Teirasias proposed that he was the killer of Laius. But again Oedipus' quick temper occurs and he accuses Tieresius of helping Creon overtake his throne. Another example of Oedipus being impulsive was when he demanded information from the messenger from Corinth. When the messenger told Oedipus that King Polybus was not his real father Oedipus was intrigued and wanted to know the truth. On the other hand, Iocasta wanted him to stop his search because she already knew the horrible truth. Oedipus impetuously wanted to know the truth; and Iocasta, horrified, rushed away and killed herself. The last character trait is one that both of the other flaws fall in, and that is Oedipus having hubris or overconfidence. Because of the absence of Laius, the city of Thebes was under a plague. To stop this plague Oedipus must find the killer of Laios. In this instance Oedipus was very confident that he would find the murderer. Again to the Teirasias scene: Teiresias was trying to tell Oedipus that he was the killer and as he said, "I say that you have been living in un-guessed shame with your nearest kin, and do not to see what woe you have come.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Slaying the Dragon Essay -- essays research papers

Slaying the Dragon: How Asian Women were Portrayed in Movies â€Å"Slaying the Dragon† by Deborah Gee is a comprehensive look at media stereotypes of Asian and Asian American women since the silent era. From the racist use of white actors to portray Asians in early Hollywood films, through the success of Anna May Wong’s sinister dragon lady, to Suzie Wong and the ‘50s geisha girls, to the Asian-American anchorwoman of today. The movie also shows how stereotypes of exoticism and docility have affected the perception of Asian-American women. In many movies Asian women are sexually stereotyped as â€Å"exotic, subservient, compliant, industrious, and eager to please.† If not that, Japanese women are shown to be â€Å"inherently scheming, untrustworthy, and back-stabbing.† Whichever representation is used ...

Marketing Week Essay

Being able to target certain people can be tricky sometimes specially if you don’t know what you’re doing or what your target is. You have to be able to sell yourself as well as the product and who better to sell Girl Scout cookies then young girls. The Girl Scouts mainly target the middle and upper class families with kids in the same age group as the girls in the Girl Scout organization. Cookie sales have grown into a major money marketing operation, bringing in over $714 million a year. However, cookie sales have declined one percent each year for the past six years. The Girl Scouts have made several changes to the program that they hope will help spark sales and create cost saving opportunities. The Girl Scout troops will be selling cookie boxes for four dollars apiece, up from the $3. 50 price mandated in 2006. The Girl Scouts will also be asking certain troops to reduce their cookie lineups to six varieties. 2) How well do you think the Girl Scouts succeed in relationship marketing? Examine the different factors on which relationship marketing depends. The top six selling cookies that the Girl Scouts sell are Thin Mints, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils, Samoa’s, Lemon Chalet Cremes, and, Tagalongs account for about 77 percent of cookie sales, and many attempts to create cookies geared toward specific markets have not fared well in the recent years. The Dulce de leche cookies, based on classic Latin America treats were design to appeal to Hispanic markets as part of the Girl Scouts broader diversity initiatives. However, sales figures did not seem to indicate any particular market preference for that variety. A ‘’diabetic friendly’’ sugar free chocolate ship variety also failed to generate a significant sales boost. While each Girl Scout does not keep the income from her sales troop members see the direct benefits of their efforts these kinds of strategies help reinforce the broader purpose of the cookie program such as teaching girls valuable lessons in marketing and career training. The Girl Scouts specify five essential life skills that the cookie program focuses on developing goal setting, decision making, money, management, people skills, and business ethics. As Councils are shifting their focuses onto better business approaches and skill development, many are hosting sales training seminars. 3) Although some people take away clear benefits from selling Girl Scout cookies, not every Girl Scout is going to go into a marketing career, and many might find the job of cookie selling particularly difficult. Do you think the experience of cookie selling, and more generally the lessons you might learn from this course about marketing and sales, can still be beneficial, especially to someone who might find the activities challenging? The Council of Nassau country, New York brought in professional sales trainer Jeff Goldberg, who teaches the Scouts the same techniques he would use for any other business. Says Goldberg, ‘’ Goal setting, which was the first thing we covered. Is the first thing I cover with any group of sales people, if you don’t have a goal with any group of sales people? If you don’t have a goal, how are you going to get there? The Nassau county council is encouraging all girls to try to sell 100 boxes important sales strategies brainstorming methods and places for selling, self-presentation cues like smiling being polite, and thanking customers (even if they don’t buy anything); and turning around reluctant buyers with questions such as ‘’ what’s your favorite cookie? And’’ Can I get you to buy just one box? The Girl Scouts also emphasized the importance that girls personally do the selling; while parents must company Scouts during sales initiatives and can assist in other ways.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Compare and contrast Act One and Act Two Essay

Throughout act one and act two, there is a huge amount of drama, comedy and sarcasm. Combining to form a carefully formed section of this immensely funny play. In these two acts there are examples of; love, arguments, deceit, ‘death’ and engagement; all this within the space of two days in the lives of young aristocrats. In act one; the scene is set in the â€Å"morning-room in Algernon’s flat in Half-moon Street. The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished†, immediately displaying Algernon’s extravagant nature. In Act two, the scene is set in the â€Å"garden at the Manor House. A flight of grey stone steps leads up to the house. The garden, an old-fashioned one, is full of roses. Basket chairs, and a table covered with books, are set under a large yew-tree†. The obvious differences in the scene settings is due to the fact hat act one is set in the town and act two is set in the country. Compared to Algernon’s â€Å"artistically furnished† flat, the country house appears to be much more contemporary, with a much calmer atmosphere. In act one, there are many introductions of the characters. Algernon, Jack, Lady Bracknell, Gwendolen and Lane are all revealed to the audience. The events throughout the scene result in, for almost everyone a smile, or even a giggle due to the blunt and sarcastic nature of the characters. The first conversation in act one is between Algernon and Lane; his butler. The relationship between these two characters goes against the audience’s expectations; they appear to be of equal status, not as a relationship should be between an upper class aristocrat and his butler in that time. In this conversation, Algernon is immediately portrayed as arrogant and cynical; and Lane is seen as sly and subversive. Lane then exits and Jack comes into the room. Jack is portrayed as much more withdrawn then Algernon; he is also not as arrogant and cynical. The conversations between Jack and Algernon are always humorous, because they are always so childish and they talk about such pointless things, never about everyday conversational topics such as money and work. Their conversations are always decorated with epigrams and repartees, making them enjoyable to read and watch. This argumentative relationship between Jack and Algernon is maintained throughout act one and act two. It will be humorous to the audience that Jack and Algernon argue so much, but yet they are still friends (or brothers as revealed in act three). There is a certain amount if irony and humour in this dialogue. The irony is that in act one, especially in this conversation, Algernon is very cynical about love and marriage, but by the end if act two, he is in love with Cicily and engaged to be married, therefore contradicting all his previous beliefs. The humour in this conversation is, for example [JACK puts out his hand to take a sandwich. ALGERNON at once interferes] then Algernon says, â€Å"please don’t touch the cucumber sandwiches. They are ordered specially for Aunt Augusta†, he then [takes one and eats it]. This is comical because Algernon has just gone against what he has just said, but he doesn’t seem embarrassed by it at all. Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen interrupt in the middle to Algernon’s argument over Jack’s cigarette case and his imaginary brother ‘Ernest’. Throughout acpt one and act two, Lady Bracknell is portrayed as a very superficial woman whose only joy in life is to have dinner parties and a high social status; she is very cynical about her society. Gwendolen, her daughter and Algernon’s cousin is very much her mother’s daughter, although she refuses to believe it and Jack is blind to it. Gwendolen is a very manipulative woman and always seems to want to find new things to annoy her mother, [to Jack] â€Å"And I often wish that in public, at any rate, you had been more demonstrative† she said this because she knew that it would annoy her mother immensely. She also hates to be wrong and tries hard to prevent this from happening, making her seem sometimes overbearingly arrogant. Lady Bracknell and Algernon go into the music room, leaving Jack and Gwendolen alone together. Jack breaks the silence by commenting on the weather; which is quickly dismissed by Gwendolen as an obvious excuse to talk about something else. There is an immediate example of humour at the beginning of this conversation because Jack addresses Gwendolen as Miss Fairfax, and she calls him Mr Worthing when Jack is planning to propose to her. Gwendolen is immediately a completely different person around Jack then she was around Lady Bracknell. She becomes very dominant, and also arrogant, † I thought so, in fact I am never wrong†. Jack seems very nervous around Gwendolen and uses more naturalistic language then the other characters, for example pauses and hesitation. Jack’s speech is mostly not as fluent as the other characters; his nervous behaviour is very similar to Algernon’s attitude around Cecily in Act Two. After much hesitation, Jack confesses his true feelings to Gwendolen; she then says unexpectedly, † Yes, I am quite aware of the fact†, creating a comic effect. Jack then stares at her in amazement while Gwendolen informs him â€Å"even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you†; this in itself will completely go against the audience’s expectations and produces a comic effect because, obviously, you cannot actually love someone before you have met them. She then produces a sense of dramatic irony by telling Jack that really the only reason that she loves him is because of his name-Ernest (which, at the time wasn’t really his name at all). The mode of address changes at this point, Jack and Gwendolen start to call each other by their first names. Jack also asks Gwendolen if she would still love him if his name was Jack; in response to this, she states, very confidently â€Å"I have known several Jacks, and they all, without exception, were more than usually plain. Besides, Jack is a notorious domesticity for John! And I pity any women who is married to a man called John†. This again is dramatic irony, because the audience know that Jack is actually his real name at this point in the play. Jack then proposes to Gwendolen†¦although Gwendolen actually accepts before he has even asked. Almost immediately after Gwendolen had accepted Jack’s proposal, Lady Bracknell interrupts them, presenting a comic effect because Gwendolen had said before that her mother always comes into the room at the most awkward of moments. Gwendolen informs her mother that she is engaged to Jack. In response to this, Lady Bracknell decides that it is her duty to interview Jack to discover whether or not he is suitable for her â€Å"simple, unspoiled† daughter. The interrogation between Lady Bracknell and Jack produces a huge comic effect on the audience; especially at the beginning when she has a [pencil and notebook in hand ]. Throughout the interview, Lady Bracknell questions Jack about aspects of his personal life, for example; his income, his properties (one of which she was not happy about, but was willing to change), his hobbies, and amusingly whether he knows everything or nothing, she seemed content with Jack’s answer that he knew nothing; stating that, â€Å"Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit, touch it and the bloom is gone† – an epigram. Lady Bracknell is very dominating over Jack, much like Gwendolen was in the previous scene. Jack appears very nervous and unsure around her, as if he doesn’t want to say the wrong thing to jeopardise his chances of marrying Gwendolen, this nervousness is shown by his constant hesitation and continuing to tell Lady Bracknell pointless facts in order to prevent an awkward silence. Jacks attitude changes around Lady Bracknell towards the end of Act Three, when he has control over the situation of Cecily’s engagement to Algernon. Jack is more relaxed around Lady Bracknell then because he has something that she wants; therefore he has the upper hand. The interview appeared to be going quite well until Lady Bracknell enquires after Jack’s parents. Jack then confesses to Lady Bracknell that he isn’t actually sure where his parents are because â€Å"the late Mr Thomas Cardew† had found him as a baby in the cloakroom at Victoria Station. Lady Bracknell’s response to Jack’s past is very amusing for the audience, she looks straight at Jack and says, † You can hardly imagine that I and Lord Bracknell would dream of allowing our only daughter – a girl brought up with the utmost care – to marry into a cloakroom, and form an alliance with a parcel. Good morning, Mr Worthing!† She then [sweeps out in majestic indignation ]. Lady Bracknell’s attitude also produces dramatic irony because she finds out later in the play that in fact Jack is her nephew. Algernon comes into the room and immediately comments on Jack’s attempted proposal to Gwendolen, Jack rejects this obvious sarcasm and begins to insult Lady Bracknell by calling her a Gorgon, regardless of the fact that he does not even know what a gorgon is, but he is sure that Lady Bracknell is one. This is humorous because the audience know that there is no such thing as a gorgon, and the fact that Algernon is happy about Jack insulting his aunt also goes against the audience’s expectations. This scene is also comical because Jack cannot see that Gwendolen is a lot like her mother. This dialogue shows Jack’s naive personality in that Algernon is calling Jack a fool, only Algernon and the audience can see it, Jack is completely unaware that Algernon is insulting him. Gwendolen enters and she talks to Jack alone; she asks him the address of his country house where he is going to stay until Monday, and Algernon who is standing in the corner notes down the address on his shirt cuff. There is one particular event that occurs in this scene that is not fully addressed in the play; Algernon’s debts. When Jack and Gwendolen have gone outside, [LANE presents several letters on a salver to ALGERNON. It is to be surmised that they are bills, as ALGERNON, after looking at the envelopes, tears them up. ] Algernon then calls in Lane and informs him that he is going Bunburying. At the end of Act One there is a slight cliff hanger and an example of dramatic irony, [ALGERNON lights a cigarette, reads his shirt cuff and smiles ] the audience knows that Algernon is planning to visit Jack’s country house and see Cecily posing as ‘Ernest’, Jack’s ‘brother’. But Jack does not know this. The Second Act takes place in Jack’s country house. The first scene opens with Miss Prism and Cecily in the garden. Miss Prism is Cecily’s teacher, she believes herself to be very knowledgeable, but she is not very good with her words, and often speaks nonsense, producing a comic effect for the audience. Cecily is shown to be very much like Gwendolen, she appears to be very innocent but she can also be quite arrogant â€Å"but I felt instinctively that you had a headache†. Cecily is obviously educated because she uses more advanced language. Miss Prism is trying to get Cecily to do her German, but Cecily argues that German â€Å"isn’t at all a becoming language. I know perfectly well that I look quite plain after my German lesson†. This shows Cecily to be very influenced by the trends of the time. Dr Chasuble interrupts Cecily’s lesson, and Cecily informs him that Miss Prism has a headache so it will do her good to go for a walk, that way she will be able to get out of her lesson. The relationship between Chasuble and Miss Prism is often used for comedy throughout Act Two and Act Three because it is obvious to the audience that Miss Prism and Chasuble have feelings for each other, but because of the social expectations of the time, they could not display their affection for each other (apart from the fact that neither know that the other has feelings for them). The three of them talk about Jack, and immediately he is seen as a completely different person in the country then he is in the town. In Act one, Jack is seen to be living entirely for pleasure, although he is more serious then Algernon, he does not appear to have any real responsibilities. However, in the country he is shown to be much more serious, and Miss Prism and Cecily do not believe that he has any pleasure or fun in his life. Miss Prism and Chasuble go for a walk together to the schools, leaving Cecily alone to do her work, which she doesn’t even start. At this point, Algernon is introduced to Cecily as Mr Ernest Worthing by the merriman. Cecily was nervous to meet ‘Ernest’ because she had â€Å"never met any really wicked person before. I feel rather frightened. I am ever so afraid he will look just like every one else.† This assumption produces a comic effect because ‘wicked’ people rarely look any different to normal people. When Cecily first meets ‘Ernest’ she is unusually confident and surprises Algernon by her forward manner, and Cecily tells him that Jack is planning to send him off the Australia, Algernon responds to this by saying, † The accounts I have received of Australia and the next world are not particularly encouraging. This world is good enough for me, Cousin Cecily.† This is amusing for the audience because Algernon does not seem very worried that Jack wants to send him to Australia. Algernon then asks Cecily if she will help reform him at the same time as flirting with her; she responds by saying, â€Å"I’m afraid I’ve no time this afternoon†. This has a comic effect because to completely change someone is obviously going to take more than one afternoon. The final comical aspect of this dialogue is when Cecily says; † Oh, I don’t think I would care to catch a sensible man. I shouldn’t know what to talk to him about†. Dr Chasuble and Miss Prism return from their walk just as ‘Ernest’ and Cecily pass into the house. They are talking about Dr Chasuble’s love life, Miss Prism believes that â€Å"men should be more careful; this very celibacy leads weaker vessels astray†, she thinks that Chasuble should get married because that way he would not be a temptation for women. Just as they were wondering where Cecily is, Jack comes into the garden, [dressed in the deepest mourning, with crà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½pe hatband and black gloves ]. He tells Miss Prism and Chasuble of the death of his brother Ernest; this produces dramatic irony because Jack does not know that Algernon has come to the house posing as his brother. The comedy effect for the first part of the scene is Jack’s exaggerated mourning for his ‘dead’ brother. The conversation then leads on to christenings, and Jack displays his wish to be christened, his attitude to christenings is very casual; † Oh, I thought I might trot round at about 5 if that would suit you†. This has a comic effect on the audience because christenings are not supposed to be casual affairs, and do not usually take place for a grown man. Cecily then enters, very excited announcing to Jack, Chasuble, and Miss Prism that Jack’s brother was here; Jack immediately says â€Å"what nonsense! I haven’t got a brother† because according to him ‘Ernest’ had died in Paris of a severe chill. Cecily then returns hand in hand with Algernon; this entrance has a very comical effect on the audience because of the look of sheer horror on Jack’s face when he sees that Algernon is pretending to be Ernest, and he had just made a fool out of himself by saying that his brother had died. But he cannot say anything to Algernon when they were around Cecily, Miss Prism and Chasuble because they would all find out that he had been lying the whole time about his brother and they would not have as much respect for him as they had before. Miss Prism and Chasuble decide then that it would be best that the two ‘brothers’ (a sense of irony there because in act three the audience find out that Algernon and Jack are in fact brothers) were left alone together, and Cecily follows them back into the house. Jack, who cannot believe that Algernon has done such a thing is astounded when the merriman informs him that Algernon’s luggage has been unpacked in the room next to his. Jack immediately orders a dogcart for Algernon, who seems completely oblivious to the fact that Jack has just insulted him. As usual, Jack and Algernon begin to argue, Jack tells Algernon that he does not want him to call Cecily a darling, and Algernon comes up with a childish reply and tells Jack that he does not like his clothes and, that being in mourning for a man who is actually staying at his house is â€Å"grotesque†. Jack tells Algernon that he does not want him staying in his house for a whole week and to this, Algernon replies; â€Å"I certainly won’t leave you so long as you are in mourning. It would be most unfriendly†, completely contradicting what he had said before and producing a comic effect on the audience. Algernon sees Cecily and tells her that he has to leave, she replies, â€Å"It is always painful to part from people who one has known for a very brief space of time. The absence of old friends one can endure with equanimity. But even a momentary separation from anyone to whom one has just been introduced to is almost unbearable†. This goes against the audience’s expectations and produces a comic effect, because usually it would be more difficult to part with someone that you had known for a long time then to part with someone that you had just met. In this scene, Algernon proposes to Cecily, but she informs him that they had actually been engaged for the last three months (only in her head though, producing a comic effect). This is a parallel of events because Cecily claims, like Gwendolen, to have loved Algernon before she had even met him; which is obviously impossible. Another similarity in this scene is when Algernon says to Cecily; â€Å"I have dared to love you wildly, passionately, devotedly, hopelessly†. This utterance does not make any sense because you cannot love someone devotedly and hopelessly at the same time, he is talking nonsense because he is so nervous around Cecily; much the same way that Jack was around Gwendolen in Act One. The final parallel of speech is when Cecily tells ‘Ernest’ that she loves him for his name, like Gwendolen did in Act One, ‘Ernest’ asks Cecily whether she would love him if he was called Algernon, she immediately tells him, like Gwendolen, that she does not like that name, only the name ‘Ernest’ â€Å"inspires absolute confidence†. Algernon almost immediately tells her that he has to â€Å"see him [chasuble] at once on a most important christening – I mean on most important business† Algernon was thinking out loud, like Jack did in Act One. There is a great deal of comedy in this scene, especially from Cecily. The main example is when Cecily tells Algernon of their ‘engagement’. Throughout the three months that Cecily had decided that she was engaged to Jack’s ‘brother’; he had bought her gifts and written her letters. Also, according to Cecily, she had even broken off their engagement once saying that â€Å"It would hardly have been a really serious engagement if it hadn’t been broken off at least once.†. She had even written it in her diary; â€Å"Today I broke off my engagement with Ernest. I feel it is better to do so. The weather still continues charming† this is comical within itself because if someone had broken off their engagement, the last thing they would be thinking about was the weather. Algernon leaves the room to go and see Chasuble, and the merriman announces to Cecily that Miss Fairfax has come to visit, and wishes to see Jack, but because he is busy Cecily invites her in for tea. Almost immediately, Gwendolen tells Cecily; â€Å"I like you already more than I can say. My first impressions of people are never wrong.† This produces a comic effect because you cannot like someone so much when you have just heard his or her name. There is also a slight parallel of speech because in Act One, Gwendolen says â€Å"I am never wrong†, this is similar to what she said to Cecily, this again displays her arrogant nature. Cecily and Gwendolen immediately start to call each other by their first names, however, the atmosphere seems a bit tense. Gwendolen and Cecily talk about Lord Bracknell, and Gwendolen enquires after Cecily’s parents, Cecily tells her that she has â€Å"no mother, nor, in fact, any relations†. Gwendolen seems surprised at this; producing echoes of her mother’s reaction to Jack’s past in Act One. Gwendolen tells Cecily; â€Å"I have liked you ever since I met you†, this produces a comic effect because she hasn’t known Cecily long at all, it also shows how superficial she can be. She also tells Cecily that she â€Å"can’t help expressing a wish you were – well, just a little older than you seem to be – and not quite so alluring in appearance† when informed that she was Mr Worthing’s ward. She then asks Cecily if she may speak truthfully, Cecily knows that Gwendolen is just about to insult her, but she doesn’t seem to care, and she tells her that she wishes that Cecily was 42 and more than usually plain for her age. There is an example of dramatic irony when Gwendolen says; â€Å"disloyalty would be as impossible to him as deception†, this also has a comical effect because the audience know that this is not true, but Gwendolen believes it so much. At this point, the plot begins to unwind; Gwendolen reveals that she was talking about Ernest (Jack) and Cecily tells her that she is not Ernest’s ward, but his older brother’s. Gwendolen asks why Ernest (Jack) had never told her that he had a brother, and Cecily explained that it was because they had not really been on speaking terms. Cecily then tells Gwendolen that she is engaged to be married to Ernest (Algernon). To this Gwendolen [quite politely rising ] says; â€Å"My darling Cecily, I think there must be some slight error. Mr Ernest Worthing (Jack) is engaged to me.† Cecily responds to this by; [very politely rising ] and saying; â€Å"I am afraid you must be under some misconception. Ernest (Algernon) proposed to me exactly ten minutes ago†. She then shows Gwendolen the entry in her diary to prove it, and Gwendolen shows the entry in her diary to prove that Ernest (Jack) had proposed to her the previous day. Gwendolen then states that because Ernest had proposed to her first, she had the prior claim, and Cecily said that this as not true because he had clearly changed his mind. This argument produces a comic effect and a sense of dramatic irony; it is comical because although the two women are very angry with each other, they cannot show their true feelings because it was not seen as lady-like behaviour. The dramatic irony in this dialogue is that the Audience knows that there are actually two people pretending to be Ernest, but Gwendolen and Cecily do not know this. The conversation continues between Cecily and Gwendolen, but they are being sarcastic and spiteful to each other whilst pretending to be polite. An example of this is when Cecily asks Gwendolen if she wants sugar in her tea; Gwendolen says no because â€Å"sugar is not fashionable any more† then [CECILY looks angrily at her, takes the tongs and puts four lumps of sugar into the cup ]. Cecily then asks Gwendolen if she wants cake, or bread and butter, Gwendolen says that she wants bread and butter because â€Å"cake is rarely seen at the best houses nowadays† then Cecily [cuts a very large slice of cake and puts it on the tray ]. Gwendolen becomes very angry at this deliberate attempt to annoy her and tells Cecily; â€Å"From the moment I saw you I distrusted you. I felt that you were false and deceitful. I am never deceived in such matters. My first impressions of people are invariably right†. This produces a comical effect because Gwendolen has just contradicted herself from what she said to Cecily when she first met her, but she still tries to make out that she has been right about her all along. The climax of the play occurs when Jack comes into the room and interrupts Gwendolen and Cecily. Gwendolen embraces him and asks Jack whether he is engaged to Cecily; Jack obviously denies this and Cecily reveals that the â€Å"gentleman whose arm is at present round your waist is my guardian, Mr John Worthing†. Gwendolen says â€Å"Jack! Oh!† and pulls away from him. Algernon then walks into the room, and Cecily asks him if he is engaged to be married to Gwendolen, and he says no. Gwendolen then reveals to Cecily that â€Å"the gentleman who is now embracing you is my cousin, Mr Algernon Moncrieff† Cecily says â€Å"Algernon Moncrieff! Oh!† and pulls away from him. There are two examples of symmetric speech in this section of the scene; the first is when both Jack and Algernon say to Gwendolen and Cecily â€Å"What could have put such an idea into your pretty little head†. The second example is the identical way in which Gwendolen and Cecily reacted to the news that both their fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s had different names then they had thought. This produces a comic effect because this is the climax of the play, and all of the deceit is being revealed to Gwendolen and Cecily. The relationship between Gwendolen and Cecily drastically changes as [the two girls move towards each other and out their arms round each other’s waists as if for protection. ]. They ask Jack and Algernon if what they have heard is true, they both say that it is, even though â€Å"it is very painful for me [Jack] to be forced to speak the truth†. This confession goes against the audience’s expectations producing a comic effect because normally people may find it painful to tell a lie then to tell the truth. Gwendolen and Cecily decide that they are going to resign to the house because they have just found out that they are both not engaged to anyone, and â€Å"it is not a very pleasant position for a young girl suddenly to find herself in.† Jack and Algernon are left alone in the garden and the girls retire to the house. The last section of Act Two is the conversation between Algernon and Jack. They talk about Gwendolen and Cecily and how they feel about them. However, Jack makes it very clear that he is not sure that Algernon and Cecily will actually marry, and Algernon states that he thinks it very unlikely that Jack and Gwendolen will marry. The conversation soon sways onto the christenings and Algernon advises Jack that; â€Å"If you are not quite sure about your ever being Christened, I must say I think it rather dangerous your venturing on it now. It might make you very unwell†. This produces a comic effect because it is completely impossible that being christened will make you unwell. The Act closes on Jack and Algernon arguing over the muffins that are being served on the table, showing their almost childish relationship. In conclusion, there are many similarities between Act One and Act Two, this could be part of what makes it so comical. The characters have developed the plot up to the climax, there is only the end to be revealed. In Act Three all of the deceit and the mysteries will be solved.